Style of Voice
- 30 - 40 years old
- 40 - 50 years old
- 50 - 60 years old
- 60+ years old
- Early 30's
- Mid 30's
- Late 30's
- Early 40's
- Mid 40's
- Late 40's
- Early 50's
- 60+
Is the voice for
Celebrity Voices
Ray Hadley | Celebrity - The King of Morning Radio in Australia. .
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John Burgess | Celebrity - Australia's favorite Australian TV Game Show host.
Audio Sample 1: -
Robin Bailey | Celebrity - Australia's most versatile Radio and TV Voice Over
Audio Sample 1: -
Steve Liebmann | Celebrity - Hard hitting personality with huge credibility.
Audio Sample 1: -
Tim Webster | Celebrity - Over 30 years on TV and Radio.
Audio Sample 1:
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